Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Esl 423 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Esl 423 3 - Essay Example The differentiated instruction approach is particularly suited to English language teaching because the students in these classes are more likely to have mixed abilities. It is a balance between having individualized instruction for each and every student and maintaining high standards that can be applied for all of them. To aid the teacher in this role, standards provide the framework in which to create differentiated instruction. The disadvantages of standards-based instruction are that they can lead to a restricted curriculum and place undue pressure on the schools to ensure that they perform up to the expected standards if not better. If handled properly, this makes them much more focused on high expectations and creating the right motivation to tailor instruction towards maintaining those standards. Greater coordination coupled with efforts to uphold high student expectations thus automatically puts the needs of the learner at the centre of attention. In short, the standards based system is geared towards meeting the needs of the learner. Standards based instruction is an attempt to base the instruction given to students on defined standards, as well as the resources and opportunities needed. This includes standards set for English language learning. Standards on what students ought to know and be able to do at each stage of their education are then maintained by testing these. And, schools are held responsible for ensuring satisfactory student achievement. The express purpose of standards-based instruction is to improve students’ academic performance, raise their expectations and the quality of education in the US. In raising their expectations, students are motivated to become more rigorous in their work and feel challenged at each stage in order to keep progressing to higher levels of achievement. The main incentive for establishing such standards is to enable equal opportunities for all students regardless of their

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Measuring Processes of Pipelining

Measuring Processes of Pipelining Sakshi Dua Abstract Discuss the method to measure the performance of pipelining. Give a space-time diagram for visualizing the pipeline behavior for a four-stage pipeline. Also discuss some way to control a pipeline for collision free operations. Introduction Pipelining: A pipelining is a series of stages ,where some work is done at each stage .The work is not finished until it has passed through all stages.It is a technique used in advanced microprocessors where the microprocessor begin executing a second instruction before the first has been completed Three performance measures pipeline are provided:- Speed-up S(n) Throughput U(n) Efficiency E(n) . Speedup S(n):- Consider the execution of m tasks (instructions) using n-stages (units) pipeline. n+m-1 time units are required to complete m tasks. it is assumed that the unit time T = t units. Speed-up S(n) = Time using sequential processing - Time using pipeline processing = m * n * t (n + m 1)* t = m * n n + m -1 Lim S(n) = n m→∞ i.e. n fold increase in speed is theoretically possible. Throughtput T(n):- Throughtput U(n)= # of task executed per unit time = m - (n + m 1)* t Lim U(n) = 1 m→∞ Efficiency E(n):- Efficiency E(n) = Ratio of the actual speed-up to maximum speed-up = speed-up - n = m n + m -1 Lim E(n) = 1 m→∞ Space Time Diagram For Four Stage Pipeline The behavior of pipeline can be illustrated with space time diagram that the segment or stage utilization as a function of time .The horizontal axis displays the time in clock cycles and the vertical axis gives the segment number.The Diagram shows 6 tasks T1 through T6 executed in 4 segments. Task T1 is handled by segment 1.after the first clock,segment 2 is busy with T1,while segment is busy with task T2.Continuing in this manner,the first task T1 is completed after the fourth clock cycle.From then on,the pipe completes a task every clock cycle. clock I/p s S1 R1 S2 R2 S3 R3 S4 R4 DIAGRAM: FOUR STAGE PIPELINE clock Stage:1 2 3 4 SPACE TIME DIAGRAM FOR PIPELINE For example:- Consider the case where n- stages pipeline with a clock cycle time tp is used to execute m tasks. The first task t1 requires a time equal to ntp to complete its operation since there are n stages in the pipe. The remaining m-1 task emerge from the pipe at the rate of one task per clock cycle and they will be completed after a time equal to (m-1)tp. Therefore, to complete m tasks using a n-stages pipeline requires n+(m-1) clock cycles. For eg. Above diagram shows four stages and 6 tasks. The time required to complete all the operations is 4+(6-1)=9 clock cycles. Consider a non pipeline unit that performs the same operation and takes a time equal to tn to complete each task. The total time required m tasks is mtn. The speedup of a pipeline processing over a equivalent non pipeline processing is defined by the ratio S(n)= mtn (n+m-1)tp As the no. Of tasks increases , m becomes much larger than m-1 and n+m-1 approaches the value of m. Under the condition , the speedup becomes S(n)= tn tp Assume that the time it takes to process a task is the same in the pipeline and non pipeline circuits, we will have tn = ntp including this assumption, the speedup reduces to S(n)= ntp = N tp This shows that the theoretical max. Speedup that a pipeline can provide is n,where n is the no. Of stagessegments in the pipeline. To clarify the meaning of the speedup ratio, let the time it takes to process a suboperation in each segment be equal to tp=20 ns Assume that the pipeline has n stages and executes n =100 tasks in sequence. The pipeline system will take (n+m-1)tp =(4+99)*20 =2060 ns to complete. Assuming that tn=mtp 4*20=80 ns, A non pipeline system requires mntp=100*80=8000 ns to complete the 100 taks. The speedup ratio is equal to the 8000/2060=3.88. As the no. Of tasks increases,the speedup will approach 4, which is equal to the no. Of stages in the pipeline. If assume that tn=60 ns, the speedup becomes 60/20=3. Some way to control a pipeline for collision free operations To avoid the collision in data dependency operation are: Hardware Interlocks It is an interlock circuit that detects instructions whose source operands are destinations of instructions farther up in the pipeline. Detection of the situation causes the instruction whose source is not available to be delayed by enough clock cycles to resolve the collision. This way the program maintains the sequence by using hardware to insert the required delays. Operand Forwarding It uses special hardware to detect a collision and then avoid it by routing the data through special paths between pipeline stages. This method requires additional hardware paths through multiplexers as well as the circuit that detects the collision. Delayed Load It solves the data collision problem to the compiler that translates the high level language into a machine language program. The compiler for such computers is designed to detect a data collision and reorder the instructions as necessary to delay the loading of the collisioned data by inserting no-operation instructions. This way is referred to as delayed load. To avoid the collision in branch instructions operations are: Prefetch Target Instruction This is used to handling a conditional branch is to prefetch the target instruction in the additional to the instruction following branch. Bath are saved until the branch is executed. If the branch condition is successful, the pipeline continues from the branch target instruction. An extension the procedure is to continue fetching instructions from both places until the branch decision is of the correct program flow. Branch Target Buffer The BTB is an associative memory included in the fetch segment of the pipeline. Each entry in the BTB consists of the address of a previously executed branch instruction and the target instruction for that branch. It stores the new few instructions after the associative memory BTB for the address of the instruction . If it is in the BTB,the instruction is available directly and prefetch continues from the new path. If the instruction is not in the BTB, the pipeline shifts to a new instruction stream and stores the target instruction in the BTB. Advantage is that branch instruction occurred previously are readily available in the pipeline without interruption. Load Buffer A Variation of the BTB is the load buffer. This is a small very high speed register file maintained by instruction fetch segment of the pipeline. When a program loop is detected in the program, it is stored in the loop buffer in its entirely, including all branches. The program loop can be executed directly without having to access memory until he loop mode is removed by final branching out. Branch Prediction A pipeline with branch prediction uses some additional logic to guess he outcome of a conditional branch instruction before it is executed . The pipeline then begins refetching the instruction stream from the predicted path. A correct prediction eliminates the wasted time caused by branch penalties. Delayed Branch This is the way to employed in RICS processors is the delayed branch. In the procedure, the compiler detects the branch instruction and instruction hat keep the pipeline operating without interruptions. An example of delayed branch is the insertion of a no operation instruction after a branch instruction . This causes the computer to fetch the target instruction during the execution of the no-operation instruction ,allowing a continuous flow of the pipeline.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Student Republican Party Platform Essay -- Politics Political Science

Preamble The dawn of a new millennium is upon us and we, the Republican Party, are fully prepared to meet the challenges that await us. This past century, due to the resilience and determination of the American people, our country has experienced more growth and prosperity than any other nation in recorded history. However, dark challenges threaten the moral fiber of this great nation. The past eight years, under Clinton’s leadership, the national government has lacked the fortitude to effectively battle the dangerously extremist trends that have gradually forced their way into the American culture. In order for America to be the great nation it once was, the Republican Party must be in power. The Republican Party has a vision that will lead America into the 21st Century. This vision is well grounded in the strong American traditions of family, community and faith in God. We believe that the traditional family is the foundation upon which our great nation was built, and we must strive to protect and support this institution. Our track record in Congress has shown the American people that the Republican Party is able to provide quality leadership. We have addressed important issues such as family values, jobs, education and the welfare of all Americans. We have enacted legislation such as the Defense of Marriage Act to protect the institution of the family from the destructive social forces that threaten its stability. We have also addressed the issue of welfare by requiring that all able-bodied welfare recipients work for their benefits, thereby lessening the financial burden carried by American taxpayers since welfare recipients are now forced to be more responsible for their own livelihood. Welfare is no longe... decrease after one year if they work less then 20 hours a week. By the second year he/she will be cut from the welfare system. Illegal aliens may only qualify for emergency hospital care. Low-income housing will be provided for welfare recipient for as long as they are receiving benefits; rent fees will be directly deducted from the welfare check. In order to stop the flow of poverty from one generation to another, we, the Republican Party, believe that school choice is an integral part of getting future generations off welfare. The ability to get education outside of ones’ limited world will insure the development of a responsible adult. Welfare was designed to help out Americans in need. Although we encourage this view, some recipients have over stayed their welcome and made welfare into a lifestyle. Our goal as a party is to limit those bad apples.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Reflection of Anne Frank’s House Essay

Personal Reflection on Anne Frank’s House I chose to write a personal reflection on the Anne Frank’s House tourist attraction in Amsterdam because I have two daughters. As a parent, I want the best for them and most importantly, their safety. I would do the exact thing what Anne’s father had done for them. Otto Frank had to move to the Netherlands when the anti-semitism in Germany was growing. Though it took seven years for their family to be reunited in the Netherlands, he successfully got them out of Germany. My late father did the same for our family. When I was 13 years old, I followed my parents to migrate to Ecuador. We were not escaping anti-semitism but my father knew that we were not safe in our country due to the worsening of the economy and the rise of unrest in Cambodia. Like Anne Frank, being in a new country I started missing the place where I grew up and the friends I had left behind. I recall writing many journals when I got homesick. This was the only way I can re-live the life I had once before. Now that I have a family of my own, and if I find myself with the same predicament like of Otto Frank. I will find a better place for my family. I want to visit Anne Frank’s house because during my youth I read her book. I was completely absorbed in the world of this creative and articulate girl who put her experiences in writing while in hiding. Since I have read the diary it will be very interesting to see it in real life. I have passed down Anne Frank’s story and her book to my daughters and when I get the chance, I will take my family to visit the Netherlands and tour the Anne Frank historical house. Anyone with some knowledge of World War II knows the story of Anne Frank and her famous diary. A visit to Amsterdam will give me an opportunity to see the location where young Anne and her family were holed up in virtual silence for two years, along with other families hoping to escape the hatred of the Nazi regime. The great takeaway about visiting the house will be a constant reminder on how fortunate I am as an American whose freedom is not in peril. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a family living in the rooms like what Anne’s family had to experience, with the constant threat of being given away and sent to concentration camps. Unfortunately, this did eventually happen and only Anne’s father Otto survived the war. During the first part of Anne Frank’s House presentation, I was only interested in visiting the place because one of my classmates mentioned, â€Å"the former hiding place of the Frank family is one of the most popular attractions in Amsterdam and many tourists declare it to be one of the most touching places they’ve ever visited.† But as soon as they got into details about the house, I was no longer interested in visiting the house as a tourist but as a person with a purpose. I wanted to experience and see first hand with my daughters how Anne tried to overcome their harsh living conditions while writing her journals that eventually sparked a lot of interest all over the world. As mentioned from the presentations, the living quarters comprised of three upper floors of a rear annex to Mr. Frank’s larger office building that is reached via steep, narrow flights of stairs. The room is small, dark and unfurnished, the Nazi captors having emptied them of furniture and most possessions as was customary during that time. The museum set up a place where the visitors can see some of Anne’s diary and read them. I can imagine myself picking up the diary, reading it and being absorbed with her eloquent stories that inspired and touched many people. What makes Anne’s diary so special is the way she wrote it. In her diary, in spite of the cruel hardship she and her family were enduring, Anne maintained a sense of optimism. Even with the evil that surrounded her, she wrote in her diary â€Å"despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart†. Because of her incredible words, Anne is remembered as a girl of tremendous courage and hope, an inspiration to all. I firmly believe that the Dutch people were somehow ashamed of their involvement on the holocaust atrocities. And one of the defining moments to reinvigorate the Dutch and Jewish people together after the war was to pay tribute to the people who were stripped of their dignity and eventually led to their death. The perfect person for such a tribute was this young girl named Anne Frank. Even though a lot of bad things have happened in Netherlands during the dark times in 1945, today that history has never been forgotten. Preserving the Anne Frank’s house and making it a museum is a constant reminder on how a young girl touched many lives with her diary. And today it is evident from the millions of tourists that visit Amsterdam that Anne Frank’s house is a must-visit.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Technology Is a Hindrance

In recent times, technological advances have become an absolutely central part of our lives. Technological advances can gain access to various information and entertainment. However, it is said that technology is a hindrance, not a help, to students because they are distracted by technological advances and wasting too much too much time on computer games and other new technology. In my opinion, those technologies are the tool for students to learn and gain access information.Take for example, when we have to do project or homework, we may need to search information, word process the content and present the project by using the computer. There is much information in the internet. When we want to make a birthday cake, we can search the recipe in the internet immediately. You can look up for the dictionary machine instead of the bulky cumbersome dictionary. At school, teachers use the projectors to teach instead of the textbook. Technology is a component of modern education.Without it, students will not learn the skills they need to succeed in a global work environment which is increasingly dependent on new technology. For instance, Students who learn how to make graphs and how to use presentation software will learn some of the skills they need to work in many business environment. Moreover, because of the technology, the relationship between the students and teachers are more closed. If there are any questions that you want to ask the teachers, you can not ask them immediately.Nevertheless, it is not a problem with the technology. You can call or email the teachers to ask for help. Through the technological advances, you can work and learn more effectively can efficiently. All these need the help of technology. However, there are also hindrances for students sometimes. There are many entertainment options such as computer games, television which is easy for students to get distracted. Students may make their time networking, entertaining on those technologies.As a result, they will fine it hard to concentrate in class and lose focus on study easily. Yet, if students use those advances appropriately, will they still waste too much time on websites, networking? If they are self-discipline, it won’t be a hindrance for them. Contrary, they can learn to be self-discipline. Above all, technology does more goods than harms. I think technology is not a hindrance but a help when they have proper time management and a correct attitude to technology.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Use Exclamations and Exclamation Marks in Spanish

How To Use Exclamations and Exclamation Marks in Spanish As in English, an exclamation or exclamatory sentence in Spanish is a forceful utterance that can range from a single word to almost any sentence that is given extra emphasis, either by using a loud or urgent voice, or in writing by adding exclamation points. Types of Exclamations in Spanish However, in Spanish, it is very common for exclamations to take particular forms, the most common of which is starting with the exclamatory adjective or adverb quà ©. (Quà © also functions elsewhere as other parts of speech, most often as a pronoun.) When used that way, quà © can be followed by a noun, adjective, an adjective followed by a noun, or an adverb followed by a verb. When it is followed by a noun, an article is not used before the noun. Some examples:  ¡Quà © lstima! (What a shame!) ¡Quà © problema! (What a problem!) ¡Quà © vista! (What a view!) ¡Quà © bonita! (How cute!) ¡Quà © difà ­cil! (How difficult!) ¡Quà © aburrido! (How tedious!) ¡Quà © fuerte hombre! (What a strong man!) ¡Quà © feo perro! (What an ugly dog!) ¡Quà © lejos est la escuela! (The school is so far away!) ¡Quà © maravillosamente toca la guitarra! (How beautifully she plays the guitar!) ¡Quà © rpido pasa el tiempo! (How time flies!) If you follow the noun after quà © with an adjective, ms or tan is added between the two words:  ¡Quà © vida ms triste! (What a sad life!) ¡Quà © aire ms puro! (What clean air!) ¡Quà © idea tan importante! (What an important idea!) ¡Quà © persona tan feliz! (What a happy person!) Note that the ms or tan doesnt have to be translated directly. When emphasizing quantity or extent, it also is common to begin an exclamation with cunto or one of its variations for number or gender:  ¡Cuntas araà ±as! (What a lot of spiders!) ¡Cunto pelo tienes! (What a head of hair you have!) ¡Cunta mantequilla! (What a lot of butter!) ¡Cunto hambre hay en esta ciudad! (What a lot of hunger there is in this city!) ¡Cunto he estudiado! (I studied a lot!) ¡Cunto te quiero mucho! (I love you a lot!) Finally, exclamations arent limited to the above forms; it isnt even necessary to have a complete sentence.  ¡No puedo creerlo! (I cant believe it!) ¡No! (No!) ¡Policà ­a! (Police!) ¡Es imposible! (Its impossible!) ¡Ay! (Ouch!) ¡Es mà ­o! (Its mine!) ¡Ayuda! (Help!) ¡Eres loca! (Youre crazy!) Using Exclamation Points Although this rule is commonly violated in informal Spanish, especially in social media, Spanish exclamation marks always come in pairs, an inverted or upside-down exclamation point to open the exclamation and a standard exclamation point to end it. The use of such paired exclamation marks is straightforward when an exclamation stands alone, as in all the examples above, but it gets more complicated when only part of a sentence is exclamatory. The upside-down exclamation mark doesnt exist in languages other than Spanish and Galician, a minority language of Spain. When an exclamation is introduced by other words, the exclamation points surround only the exclamation, which isnt capitalized. Roberto,  ¡me encanta el pelo! (Roberto, I love your hair!)i gano el premio,  ¡yupi! (If I win the prize, yippee!) But when other words follow the exclamation, they are included inside the exclamation marks.  ¡Me encanto el pelo, Roberto! (I love your hair, Roberto.)Yupi si gano el premio! (Yippee if I win the prize!) If you have several short connected exclamations in a row, they can be treated as separate sentences or they can be separated with commas or semicolons. If theyre separated by commas or semicolons, the exclamations after the first arent capitalized.  ¡Hemos ganado!,  ¡guau!,  ¡me sorprende!(We won! Wow! Im surprised!) Special Uses of Exclamation Marks To indicate strong emphasis, you can use up to three consecutive exclamation points. The number of marks before and after the exclamation should match. Although such use of multiple exclamation points isnt used in standard English, it is acceptable in Spanish.  ¡Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¡No lo quiero!!! (I dont want it!) ¡Ã‚ ¡Quà © asco!! (Thats disgusting!) As in informal English, a single exclamation mark can be placed within parentheses to indicate that something is surprising. Mi tà ­o tiene 43 (!) coches. (My uncle has 43 (!) cars.)La doctora se durmià ³ (!) durante la operacià ³n. (The doctor fell asleep (!) during the operation.) An exclamation mark can be combined with a question mark when a sentence expresses incredulity or otherwise combines elements of emphasis and questioning. The order doesnt matter, although the sentence should begin and end with the same type of mark.  ¡Ã‚ ¿Pedro dijo quà ©?! (Pedro said what?) ¿!Viste Catarina en la jaula!? (You saw Catarina in jail?) Key Takeaways As in English, exclamations in Spanish are sentences, phrases, or even single words that are especially forceful.It is common for Spanish exclamation to begin with quà © or a form of cunto.Spanish exclamations begin with an inverted exclamation mark.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Implications Of Culture On Developmental Delay

The Implications of Culture on Developmental Delay As a teacher, I feel it is necessary for me to try to understand to the best of my ability the culture(s) of my students and their families. It is only within that context can one begin to discuss developmental delay and/or disability. Despite teaching for over a year, I do not feel I am fully cognizant of the individual nuances of the different cultures of my students. I also personally do not feel comfortable with labeling students (or people, for that matter) nor do I feel it necessary or even helpful to attach labels; what is most important is to identify specific areas where remediation is can be both helpful and provided. As the article points out, disability is a social and cultural construct. What I view as a disability may be viewed as a spiritual phenomenon or only temporary. Unless I am able to recognize my own assumptions when speaking with parents as well as the culture of my student, I may, in fact, be viewed as the irrational person. I must develop a cultural self-awareness to facilitate conversations with parents about their child and identify the family’s goals, priorities and visions for their child. However, I do not think it necessary to attach labels; what is important are the specific implications and symptoms and remediation of those needs to the extent that allow them to flourish in the world without negating their own cultures. I believe it is necessary to identify the cultural values when discussing my interpretation of a student’s of a student’s difficulties or in the recommendation for service. I should find out, to the extent possible whether the family members value my assumptions and, if not, how their views differ from mine. For example, I may feel it is necessary for a child to learn how to learn new information independently while individuality and independence may not be highly valued in the family’s culture. As the Dunn and Dun... Free Essays on The Implications Of Culture On Developmental Delay Free Essays on The Implications Of Culture On Developmental Delay The Implications of Culture on Developmental Delay As a teacher, I feel it is necessary for me to try to understand to the best of my ability the culture(s) of my students and their families. It is only within that context can one begin to discuss developmental delay and/or disability. Despite teaching for over a year, I do not feel I am fully cognizant of the individual nuances of the different cultures of my students. I also personally do not feel comfortable with labeling students (or people, for that matter) nor do I feel it necessary or even helpful to attach labels; what is most important is to identify specific areas where remediation is can be both helpful and provided. As the article points out, disability is a social and cultural construct. What I view as a disability may be viewed as a spiritual phenomenon or only temporary. Unless I am able to recognize my own assumptions when speaking with parents as well as the culture of my student, I may, in fact, be viewed as the irrational person. I must develop a cultural self-awareness to facilitate conversations with parents about their child and identify the family’s goals, priorities and visions for their child. However, I do not think it necessary to attach labels; what is important are the specific implications and symptoms and remediation of those needs to the extent that allow them to flourish in the world without negating their own cultures. I believe it is necessary to identify the cultural values when discussing my interpretation of a student’s of a student’s difficulties or in the recommendation for service. I should find out, to the extent possible whether the family members value my assumptions and, if not, how their views differ from mine. For example, I may feel it is necessary for a child to learn how to learn new information independently while individuality and independence may not be highly valued in the family’s culture. As the Dunn and Dun...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Handle Post Interview Silence

How to Handle Post Interview Silence We’ve all been there. You get the interview.   You do well.   You send the requisite thank you note to follow up. And†¦ nothing. The doubts set in, so does the despair. Rather than sit there doing nothing, and going quietly insane, consider any of the following options. 1. Gently nudgeDon’t be annoying. Don’t stalk anyone. And don’t call multiple times. But you can make one targeted phone call, or send one email to follow-up after your follow up and inquire as to their hiring time table.2. StrategizeIf you’re going to go for the nudge, make sure you make a plan. Fight off the urge to nudge again after your nudge- ad nauseum. Promise yourself you’ll not follow-up again for two weeks, or whatever time frame makes most sense, then stick to that. Set yourself a follow-up calendar if you have a hard time keeping track. It’s good to show your interest and eagerness, but bad to take a step over the line into pestering.3. Take the hig h roadWhen you do get a person on the phone or via email, and you get slightly disappointing news- they’re waiting for a more experienced candidate, they’re nowhere near making a decision for internal, logistical reasons, or whatever else- try fielding it with grace. Being pleasant and professional and upbeat will go a long way. Even if you don’t get this job this time. Your demeanor will be remembered well.4. Work your connectionsSee if you know anyone in your social media network who works at the company. If you’re close enough to ask them, they might be able to give you some insights into the hiring process for your position.5. Take your cuesBefore you reengage to follow-up again, think about how your efforts went over the last time you got in touch. Was the door left open? Or did they make it more or less clear that you should follow the â€Å"don’t call us, we’ll call you† rule of thumb? Pay attention to the signals you’ve received and act accordingly.6. Aim higherIf you’re applying to a bigger company and feel your file has gotten lost in the bowels of HR, and you’ve weighed the risks, it might be appropriate to take your candidacy up the food chain. Try shooting a polite and professional inquiry to the person you’d be working for directly. You never know; they might admire your initiative.7. Trust yourselfListen to your gut instinct. Is it saying â€Å"you didn’t get this one, just let it go†? If that’s the case, cut your losses and move on. There is no call for desperation. There are other opportunities. Open yourself up fully to those once you realize a door is closed.8. Don’t take it personallyIf you do get rejected, or worse, just ignored, it probably says a lot more about the level of professionalism at that company than it does about you. It might even be the case that, over the course of your application, the company changed the scope of that position, or eliminated it entirely, and aren’t keen to publicize that fact. Sometimes never hearing back is just an unfortunate thing that happens. Let it go, smile wide, and move on. And keep the way they’ve handled this process in mind should they reach out to you in the future.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Contextualization of Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Contextualization of Development - Essay Example This report stresses that globalization and its impacts have been very evident in Canada. Some of the large companies in Canada have become global. This means that such companies have been able to access new markets as well as new challenges. The ratification of the Free Trade Agreement with Canada and the United States in 1988 has seen dramatic change in the business environment in Canada. In addition, Canada has been able export and import human resources. As a matter of fact, Canada is known to be one of the encouraging expatriation through programs like green cards and visas. Canada has been able to enjoy a number of benefits as a result of globalization. Globalization has also had negative effect too. One of the negative effects of globalization is inequality between the industrialized and the less industrialized nations. This disparity has been caused by exploitation of the less industrialized nations by the industrialized ones. This has led to overdependence of the industriali zed nations by the less industrialized ones. This paper makes a conclusion that globalization is inevitable and its impacts cannot be overlooked. All sectors of human beings and nations are affected by globalization. Just as seen in the above discussion, globalization affects the social, economic and political spheres. There is a thin line of difference between globalization and modernization, therefore any human being, society and nation must embrace globalization.

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Human Resources Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Human Resources - Term Paper Example Other international human resource trends include global recruitment, benefits and compensation when an employee falls sick gives birth or is faced with tragedy such may include maternity leave and extended vacations. International human resource trends are activities taken by a company or an organization to make it utilize human resource more effectively (Parry, 2013). These activities are geared towards improving human resource performance through education and training. For any sustainable and competitive business in the international arena, there is need for a competitive educated and skilled workforce. With the internationalization of business, many companies are conducting their business in other countries and this is due to the rising demand of goods in other parts of the world (Parry, 2013). A successful business needs the ability to market products overseas and this has requires the company’s workforce to get the right skills needed for the prosperity of the organizat ion. Such training may require the company to send their workforce to further their business and technical skills in a foreign country, which has better training facilities (Maclean and Wilson, 2009). Further education and training of employees in a foreign country as a global human resource trend has both positive and negative effects to the present and future workforce alike (Vaidya, 2006). Human resource training in a foreign country will mean one has to study not only the technical skills but also the culture of the foreign country. The study of other peoples’ culture will promote interpersonal skills, which is important in the world of business (Unesco and the international social science council, 2010). Accepting other peoples’ culture will promote good relations between the world’s diverse cultures and races hence fostering trade and exploitation of the world’s market. However, further training of employees in foreign countries with better technica l skills has increasingly exposed the employees to racial discrimination and cultural shock (Parry, 2013). This has made the workforce return to their home countries with low-self esteem and ethnocentrism in other countries has made them undermine or denounce their culture as uncivilized. This has greatly reduced their performance in the organization. Training an organization’s employees in a foreign country encourages the mastery foreign languages (Maclean and Wilson, 2009). This will be of benefit to the individual and the organization since language is an important factor in sales and marketing. With globalization, the knowledge of the language of a foreign country in which the organization intends to open its branch promotes understanding between the foreign country and the foreign investor, which is the company in this case (Vaidya, 2006). The experience also makes one familiar with the environment in which the organization may have opened its branches. In some instances , further training of an organization’s workforce in a foreign country has exposed the employees to unfavorable change in climatic conditions (Unesco and the international social council, 2010). The harsh climate has made some of workforce who had travelled to a foreign country for further studies develop health complications such as pneumonia and malaria which has cost the lives of some employees hence making the company lose both the employees and

Methods of Enquiry - Research Proposal - International Ethics

Methods of Enquiry - - International Ethics Conflicts - Research Proposal Example The research can be conducted in a mixed method approach by conducting survey over the employees and their responses helps to determine the organization’s work ethics. The employees are expected to respond on a rating of five points regarding their views about the performance of the organization. The literature review suggests the views of various researches regarding the ethical conflict management. An organization faces a number of challenges and conflicts and it is very important to resolve these conflicts otherwise the company would have to run at a loss and the ultimate option that the company would have is to shut down. Thus it is expected that the organization hires efficient managers who are capable of resolving the conflicts and maintain the company’s reputation in the market. As a result of Globalisation, several countries vary in various aspects. For example, the countries have diverse cultural, economical, social, ethical and linguistic backgrounds that can lead to ethical conflicts among the multinational companies (Hamilton, Knouse and Hill, 2009). Diversity in culture among various employees of different companies can result in conflicts regarding their views that can prove to be risky for the company’s reputation in the market. Cross cultural variations dealing with behaviour, norms, values, etiquette of various employees and workforce may have a huge impact on the company’s growth prospect (Patel, Harrison and McKinnon, 2002). The behavioural ethics determines the company’s management styles and the work culture. In order to achieve success and maintain corporate image, the company should follow its business ethics. It provides various guidelines for maintaining an ethical relationship with other organizations (Patel, Harrison and McKinnon, 2002; Voigt, 2009). The conflicts that may arise are the clashes in business and among the employees who try to dominate within the organization (Reidenberg, 2000). An unethical behaviour

Coastal Defence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coastal Defence - Essay Example The process of land claim means that it is necessary to exclude the sea from part or all of this intertidal area, and also protect this area from reinundation. Land claim for agriculture and industry generally takes in the higher salt marsh because the higher elevation of the intertidal area claimed means, first, that the wave activity will be reduced by the lower marshes and mudflats fronting the area to be reclaimed. (Yates 235-249) In cases where there are not sufficient areas of such deposits fronting the proposed claim, then the area is perhaps not well suited. Second, less material is needed to build up the newly created dry land. Third, the higher the elevation, the lower the sea walls need to be to prevent tidal overtopping. Finally, agriculture needs good-quality farmland, and the upper marshes provide the most 'mature' sediments available in respect of the processes of soil formation. (Archer 103-120; Knecht 183-199) There are few areas of coastline in the 'developed' world which have not been subject to some form of land claim, defence works, or development. (Louisse 10-15; Fischer 437-447) It has been the tendency for coastal populations to utilise their immediate environment to the full, obtaining as much land as possible in order to increase their agricultural or industrial potential, and to defend low-lying land to increase their security from flooding by the sea. As far as port development in estuaries is concerned, one of the key requirements is that the port itself should be afforded as much shelter as possible. Traditionally, this meant that estuaries were the most suitable sites and, because of the small size of the earliest vessels, many of the early ports were built some way upstream from the estuary mouth. As ship size has increased, so these earlier ports have become uneconomic, and thus many have been relocated downstream, towards the estuary mouth. (Guy 219-248) This has meant that the majority of the world's major estuaries have some form of port development located within them. In addition, even these areas may not be suitable for the larger vessels of today, and thus many estuaries have been artificially deepened by dredging to allow for the increased draught of modern ships. This process leads to an artificial intertidal profile in which natural processes are in constant competition with the alien environment in which they find themselves. (Beatley 1-22) As a result, especially over the past few centuries, many estuaries have experienced considerable modification to their natural ecosystems, which have brought about changes in floral patterns and bird populations. From a process point of view, the dredging and land claiming which have occurred in estuaries have also produced changes in circulation patterns, tidal regime, and sediment deposition patterns, causing further knock-on effects for natural habitats and wildlife populations. (Barston 93-116) The need for coastal defences Because of the need to protect the newly claimed land from reinundation by the sea, it is also a requirement of land claim to install some form of flood defence. (Doody 275-283) This defence is largely to keep the sea out, rather than an anti-erosion structure, and so tends to be more a flood defence measure than a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

INTOSANA GmbH internship report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

INTOSANA GmbH internship report - Essay Example During this year’s internship program, I was assigned to help in developing the marketing strategy of the company especially through online marketing promotion. In addition, I was tasked to perform a market analysis on a specific target group which turned out to be a vital source of information for the company. With these accomplishments, I did not only able to fulfill my duty as an intern but also contributed to the overall growth of the company. In fact, during the entire internship period, I was able to help them get 15 more clients through my work in marketing strategy. Having worked for eight hours a day in two months, I have fully performed my task and prepared to document my working journey. As such, the purpose of this paper is to primarily recount my internship experiences at Intosana GmbH – my role in the company, the contributions I have made, and the lessons learned from the internship experience. First, the description of the organization will reveal the co mpany’s organizational structure and the role I played in the company. From this, an analysis of my experience will showcase my learnings in business and management. Lastly, I will present a personal evaluation of my experiences to showcase my insights about the entire experience. As a nursing care service facility, Intosana GmbH is a company that primarily provides home care service to the elderly. Having started its operation only in November 2010, the company envisions to expand and to improve its services in Berlin and eventually all over Germany. The company’s growth revolves around its mission which states that it aims to willingly provide assistance and advice to its clients. On its website, the company promotes its reliability by providing â€Å"all levels of care† and cooperating with doctors, pharmacists, medical suppliers, and other service providers to meet the needs of its clients. Moreover, the company prides itself in having a nursing team that is â€Å"qualified, reliable, friendly, and motivated† to assure the clients of round-the-clock service, attention, and care. Specifically, it provides basic care such as meal preparation, pulse checks, washing and catering service. It also provides domestic assistance such as cleaning the client’s residence and home visits by doctors and medical personnel. Aside from medical care, it also organizes services such as contact with support groups, newspaper services, emergency call service and physiotherapy. According to the company, the selection process for their staff involves an emphasis of both technical and interpersonal skills that will contribute to the company’s growth. Also, these qualities are expected to boost the teamwork within the staffs and groups in the company. Additionally, it believes that every employee has â€Å"an independent personality† which means that the company deals with its staff individually. The company further emphasized its s taff being â€Å"courteous and friendly† to its clients. This is mainly attributed to Intosana GmbH’s belief that it treats an individual as a whole, and not as a sick person. My Work Description For two months, I worked eight hours a day at Intosana GmbH from March 1 up to April 30, 2012. My work task involves helping the company improve and develop its marketing strategy to attract more clients and expand its operation in Berlin. Specifically, my role

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Politics - Essay Example pecific segment of the poo in the society that need assistance, it is because these class of people never had a chance to do what others did to enrich themselves. William Summer tries to discredit the point that the poor class in the society is really struggling under the emblem of limited resources. According to summer such claims are exaggerated and lie on the precept of poor assumptions made by the humanitarians. He speaks out by stressing the point that hard work is the key to any success. William stresses on this point when he says â€Å" who have not done their duty in this world never can be equal to those who have done their duty more or less well. Classes will always exist; no other social distinctions can endure. The class distinctions simply result from the different degrees of success with which men have availed themselves of the chances which were presented to them† (Mayer, 17). William supports his claims logically by saying that in the society disparity in classes will always exists; the social class will always be in any given society. However, some people in this class just need a little assistance for them to get to a higher class. He supports his claims that â€Å"Instead of endeavoring to redistribute the acquisitions which have been made between the existing classes, our aim should be to increase, multiply, and extend the chances. The greater the chances, the more unequal will be the fortune of these two sets of men. So it ought to be, in all justice and right reason.† This essay is a true illustration of Darwinism that subjects a basis that all men have equal chances of being great, but the truth is that not all of them will attain the same level (Mayer, 45). Francis Fox Piven postulates that power in the society is construed to dominate above the less privileged. The rich oppress the poor either materially or physically depending on the dominance that is directed towards the less privileged. Piven uses the term disruption to connote

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

INTOSANA GmbH internship report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

INTOSANA GmbH internship report - Essay Example During this year’s internship program, I was assigned to help in developing the marketing strategy of the company especially through online marketing promotion. In addition, I was tasked to perform a market analysis on a specific target group which turned out to be a vital source of information for the company. With these accomplishments, I did not only able to fulfill my duty as an intern but also contributed to the overall growth of the company. In fact, during the entire internship period, I was able to help them get 15 more clients through my work in marketing strategy. Having worked for eight hours a day in two months, I have fully performed my task and prepared to document my working journey. As such, the purpose of this paper is to primarily recount my internship experiences at Intosana GmbH – my role in the company, the contributions I have made, and the lessons learned from the internship experience. First, the description of the organization will reveal the co mpany’s organizational structure and the role I played in the company. From this, an analysis of my experience will showcase my learnings in business and management. Lastly, I will present a personal evaluation of my experiences to showcase my insights about the entire experience. As a nursing care service facility, Intosana GmbH is a company that primarily provides home care service to the elderly. Having started its operation only in November 2010, the company envisions to expand and to improve its services in Berlin and eventually all over Germany. The company’s growth revolves around its mission which states that it aims to willingly provide assistance and advice to its clients. On its website, the company promotes its reliability by providing â€Å"all levels of care† and cooperating with doctors, pharmacists, medical suppliers, and other service providers to meet the needs of its clients. Moreover, the company prides itself in having a nursing team that is â€Å"qualified, reliable, friendly, and motivated† to assure the clients of round-the-clock service, attention, and care. Specifically, it provides basic care such as meal preparation, pulse checks, washing and catering service. It also provides domestic assistance such as cleaning the client’s residence and home visits by doctors and medical personnel. Aside from medical care, it also organizes services such as contact with support groups, newspaper services, emergency call service and physiotherapy. According to the company, the selection process for their staff involves an emphasis of both technical and interpersonal skills that will contribute to the company’s growth. Also, these qualities are expected to boost the teamwork within the staffs and groups in the company. Additionally, it believes that every employee has â€Å"an independent personality† which means that the company deals with its staff individually. The company further emphasized its s taff being â€Å"courteous and friendly† to its clients. This is mainly attributed to Intosana GmbH’s belief that it treats an individual as a whole, and not as a sick person. My Work Description For two months, I worked eight hours a day at Intosana GmbH from March 1 up to April 30, 2012. My work task involves helping the company improve and develop its marketing strategy to attract more clients and expand its operation in Berlin. Specifically, my role

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sociology of Cultural Differences Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sociology of Cultural Differences - Assignment Example The two women believe true beauty and success is only attained by being western (Wong). It shows they lack confidence in themselves; thus, convincing them that they are beautiful and attractive they way they are, is an uphill task. Personally, I would not change anything about myself even if I had all the resources to do so. In as much as most people spend most of their time admiring their images in mirrors, beauty entails more than the outward appearance. I believe that success is not measured by the physical appearance of individuals. The yardstick for measuring success should be embedded on an individual’s educational background, talents and capabilities. Therefore, appreciating ourselves the way we are is beauty itself. In addition to that, e should not change our physical appearance to please people. Renee Thompson’s beauty, drive and walks are the essentials required for any model. In as much as the market does not favor her, she struggles to make her career in the modeling world (Haywood). The modeling world and industry considers modeling to be for whites, making Renee Thompson struggle despite her extraordinary beauty, style and glamour. If I were her, I would never give up modeling to look for another profession. I would fight to the end since I have all the profession demands. My drive would be to enlighten the stakeholders in the industry to give everybody a chance as well as stop racial stereotyping. I would make them understand that I did not choose to be born black; and that they should see me as a human being with modeling qualifications, not as a black

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery: A Blessing Or Curse?

Cosmetic Surgery: A Blessing Or Curse? The trend of Cosmetic Surgery is experienced throughout the world and this is because of the availability of advanced technology, affordable cost and speed at which these processes are carried out. This advanced technology has impacted the lives of many both positively negatively. The patient interested in undergoing surgery must endure physical mental strain to gain high level of confidence. Sometimes this can be risky causing loss of life but gives physically deformed people a chance to fit within the society. This research paper could actually showcase the full extent of cosmetic surgery and its after effects on the people and society. Cosmetic Surgery is a surgical process to improve the physical abnormalities or to enhance the beauty and the look of a specific part of the body. Generally people wish to alter their appearances when they are dissatisfied by their body or their external appearances. Such people generally will have low confidence level and lower self esteems. Cosmetic surgery not only changes physical aspects but the changes are psychological. For such people this will definitely help to build up emotionally and psychologically as this has a great effect on self esteem and confidence. Patients can effectively treated using other therapy but they usually get convinced that cosmetic surgery is the only option There are two categories of surgeries i.e. reconstructive cosmetic surgery and Cosmetic surgery. There are many types of reconstructive cosmetic surgery and Cosmetic surgery like Liposuction: This cosmetic surgery vacuums extra fat from the patients body (Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures). Nose reshaping: This process is also known as Rhinoplasty. This includes changing the appearance of nose like narrowing or reducing the size or reducing irregularities (Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures) . Breast Surgery: This process is also known as Augmentation. This includes breast implants or reducing the sagginess of breast or enlarging the size etc (Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures). Tummy tuck: By using this cosmetic surgery excessive fat muscles can be removed from the abdomen (Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures). Eyelid lift: This process of cosmetic surgery is also called as blepharoplasty. This is used to get rid of the sagging skin around the upper lower eyelids (Eyelid lift). Face lift: This is a common cosmetic surgery which tightens the skin reduces wrinkles and dropping skin. This requires lot of insertions on the face (Types of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures). I agree to the fact that it has got lot of benefits but at the same time it has got lots of disadvantages as well. Some of the benefits of cosmetic surgery are that it can correct any flaws, better results with a short time, fewer side effects, people are satisfied by the improved self image etc. The adverse affects of cosmetic surgery varies from person to person. The most common disease noted is cancer. Some surgeries can even lead to death. Health effects: Some of the ill effects are that the surgeries are very expensive, anaesthesia used during the surgery can bring complications, surgeons can go wrong making patients look totally different, drop in blood pressure during surgery can lead to heart attack, infections after surgery is less but if it shows up it can also lead to complications, loose stitches after surgery can lead to internal bleeding (Risks of Cosmetic Surgery), some surgeries may sometimes result in allergies or other skin related issues. Some of the other positive negative effects are as follows: Psychological effect: Successful surgery can lead to boost in confidence level. This will also help them to reduce self consciousness. But the psychological effects have to a lot with the patients expectations. Not every surgery is successful. Sometimes cosmetic surgery can be heartbreaking and can cause serious injuries to patients temporarily or for the rest of the life. Professional and social: Studies have proved that attractive people get more attention are considered as perfect. This also affects ones professional career. Attractive people get more consideration everywhere. They also get more opportunities for personal relationship which affects persons emotionally. These factors affect social life. So surgeries can help people to improve their social life. Economical Aspect: Such surgeries are very costly. It depends on the type of cosmetic surgery one wants to undergo. Generally this is seen in the rich society. There is an adverse effect of media on people body as they showcase celebrities which has got a negative effect on boys and girls and they engage themselves in to wrong eating habits to get the body and look similar to a celebrity The rates of such procedures are increasing year by year. It has crossed more than 50% since 1992 (Dodd, 1999). Percentages of women opting for cosmetic surgery are more as compared to men. Men are interested in cosmetic surgery but the ratio is very less. Cosmetic surgery has entered into the lives of every individual especially teenagers who want to be more perfect in beauty structure. The highest numbers of surgeries are seen on teenagers. Purpose Statement: Reconstructive cosmetic surgery can be considered as better as it gives new life and hope to people who are victims of accidents, burns or birth relates physical abnormalities. Cosmetic surgery is a trend followed mainly by the rich society for altering their appearances to be more pleasing. They may end up going several times to the surgeon which may lead to psychological disorder as well. The purpose of this thesis is to make people aware of their moral responsibilities towards the society to stop the misuse of this extremely important technology. A statement of Qualification: I can bring real hands on experience to this study report. I used internet to capture information about the people who underwent cosmetic surgery and the life they had after the surgery. I can share my own experience as I have undergone laser treatment for acne problems in the past. Laser skin treatment is a new trend in cosmetic surgery to treat skin related issues where the doctor uses laser to remove the upper layer of the skin so that new skin reforms. But the results are very slow and the cost per session is very high. Initially the doctors claim to resolve the skin related issues within few sessions but once they start its a never ending process. Its a good technique which helps to boost our self esteem but if the results are not positive its leads you to depression. I stopped the session and carried on with natural treatments. Review of the literature: Number of research works has been done in the field of cosmetic surgery but the resources available are very few which focuses on the negative aspects of cosmetic surgery. My literature review consists of books and articles. Sorin Eremia describes various techniques and new procedures in cosmetic surgery. Flaws and reconstructive surgery by Samir Mardini describes the use of flaps to reconstruct various body parts. Grabb Smiths plastic surgery discusses the aesthetic procedures of cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery the psychiatric prospective an article by Anderson Thomson, Norman, Milton describes that the increased use of cosmetic surgery has lead to concern among psychiatrics Description of the research methods: This research will examine the effects of cosmetic surgery on the society. The method adopted will be qualitative by capturing original facts about people who underwent cosmetic surgery. The subject section will include analysis of famous celebrities who adopted cosmetic surgery and the life they had after it. The people have seen only the exterior life style of celebrities this will put a light on their internal life. The procedure section will have the process details of how people choose cosmetic surgery as an option for getting rid of the unwanted abnormalities of ones body. This will also include why reconstruction cosmetic surgery can be considered than pure cosmetic surgery. This case study provides the ill effects of cosmetic surgery. The discussion will showcase the mental and the psychological effect on men and women. How Does ADHD Affect Cognitive Development? How Does ADHD Affect Cognitive Development? This research will focus on young students with Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder (ADHD). This disorder can be detrimental to a young child social and academic growth. Peer involvement is a very essential ingredient to growing socially and academically which is a part of cognitive development. Throughout this paper I will identify ways to help students with ADHD successfully succeed. Is it too late? Many parents, teachers, and friends wonder is it too late to gain control of this life changing disorder known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The answer is no. It is not too late to gain control of ADHD. ADHD could take on other characteristic such as poor sustained attention and vigilance and diminished rule-governed behavior. (Gottlieb, Shoaf Risa,2006, pg.53) There are many practices which could be used in order to help the child with ADHD. One important part of growing could be affected by ADHD and it is cognitive development. As mentioned by a textbook, cognitive development is the structure of processing thought and how knowledge is gain and understood through interaction according to (Vaughn, Bos, Schumm, 2003, pg.55). Cognitive development is learned and is build upon throughout life. Studies have shown how the area of a social and academic aspect of cognitive development can be interrupted by ADHD. The disorder can pose a barrier between behaving expectantly and behaving against what is expected. Research has given many practices which could be used to help a student with ADHD. There are many reading ( I dont think you need to state anything about your readings or books, just quote them if you use it) of how to control this disorder and readings of how to suppress this disorder. Depending on the child the method used to help the child may differ. David Gottlieb, Ph. D. Thomas Shoaf, M.D. and Risa Graff, M.A. (put the year in here) took part in writing Why is My Child ADHD not better yet? This book addresses many traits which may be exhibited from a child with ADHD. It discusses how to teach a child to control certain behaviors as well as how long it may take to break those behaviors.( How, you could talk about how it breaks it down) Another reading which I( you cannot use the word I in your paper) will refer back to is a textbook titled Teaching Exceptional, Diverse, and At-Risk Students in the General Education Classroom 3rd. Edition ( no in the title) by Sharon Vaughn, Candace S. Bos, Jeanne Shay Schumm. This reading describes many types on disorders inc luding ADHD. It also breaks down the definition of this disorder and gives examples of how children with ADHD may behave when surrounded by peers. There is a few more reading I may refer to but these are the two which address more realistic traits and realistic ways of helping children without the use of medicines. The first part of treating the disorder is to build cognitive strategies, which helps to recognize that there is an extreme problem with behavior. This should be a family involvement. Not only should the child know when ADHD is in control but the family needs to also know when not to add more stress to the child. The world family in this instance refers to anyone involved with this child. The family should also define what is not acceptable and what actions should take place after such behaviors are observed. As mentioned in the first part of this paragraph; the first step is to make the child aware of their behavior during all types of emotional experiences. For example the child needs to know how they act when ADHD takes control of them. The child needs to learn how this feels so that once it happens they will know how to control it rather than it (ADHD) controlling them (child). There are many ways to teach the child how to realize what type of behavior they are displaying. As men tioned in Why is my childs ADHA not better yet?( you do not need the title of the book since you stated early, you only need this (Gottlieb, Shoaf Risa,2006, pg.53) the authors state ways to help the child visually see or hear a description of their behavior. First practice was to use picture cards which show different mood or which displays different emotions. Another way was to use color word phrases such as red hot meaning very mad (Gottlieb, Shoaf Risa,2006, pg.55). The main idea behind this is for self recognition. This teaches the child how to label their emotions. Being able to know there is a behavioral problem before the problem and knowing what kind of emotion is being displayed is needed in order to make corrections. The first step to helping a child with ADHD is to accept that the child has a disorder. Most parents refuses to accept the disorder which creates more problems. Instead of trying to correct and replace negative behavior with right and positive behavior, the parent tries reinforcement or punishments which makes the child decrease or eliminate that action or reaction completely. That is not the outcome needed in order for that child to progress. Parents could start assisting their child with ADHD in everything, just to see when the child acts out, before the child enters a public setting. This way the parent could help the child replace that negative action or reaction with a positive action or reaction. Parents could try to sit and talk with the child find out what bothers them and how could it be fixed. This way the child has already faced whatever bothers them ahead of time. Self recognition of ADHD behavioral problems is followed by self corrections. Before making correction the family needs to explain how the reward of self correction works. Once the child continues to display such acceptable behavior then the rewarding such slowly subside. While correcting unacceptable or unexpected behavior more time and patience will be needed from the family. Once the family sees the child getting frustrated they should let the child known in a discrete way what type of behavior they are displaying. This is just to let the child know what type of behavior they are displaying. This is not to discourage the child. Once the child sees what type of mood they are exhibiting then show child things they could do in order to display a behavior much different than the current behavior. Teaching the child how to self recognize and self correct are cognitive strategies that will be needed in order to hold a respectful social interaction with peers. Once this is set in place the child will be able to recognize when they are beginning to get upset and before any unacceptable behavior is brought forth the child would administer self correction. This will keep the child from being outcast by peers, and will help the child concentrate on tasks at hand. By controlling a behavior before it is recognized by others will build self confidence. The hyperactivity part of ADHD describes the behavior of the student with this disorder. It represents the childs fidgeting or squirming, difficult time remaining on task, difficult playing quietly, talking too much, and but not limited to interrupting other students conversation. The child will feel a sense of self control over the disorder. One of the key ingredients in academic success for young students is peer involvement. Being accepted and not ignored during school hours. Peer involvement includes group discussion during class, social time during lunch, teamwork during physical education and most of all the personal time during recess. A student with ADHD will struggle to fit in with peers if they do not have cognitive strategies of controlling their ADHD. Control of this disorder means being able to communicate with others without getting overly excited, remaining on task during assignments, remaining alert, and focusing while the teacher is teaching (Vaughn, Bos, Schumm, 2003, pg.55) Having control of the disorder will reduce peer rejection, increase attention spans, and increase classroom involvement. This will increase the childs chances of succeeding academically. The beginning of this paper mentioned that researchers have studied how the social and academic part of cognitive development is affected by ADHD. The reading mentioned many ways of gaining control of the disorder. A couple of practices were mentioned learning how early elementary students with ADHD interact socially among peers. The way students interact socially will forever go through changes and more research will be researched. It is known that social interaction is critical to how students learn certain lifelong traits. Students need traits like understanding that others have feeling, being independent, and having self confidence. All these traits are necessary to succeed in life. Students now mature early, so it is important to install in them the correct way to social interact. It is like any other student not one student will be exactly like another student. Students with ADHD and students without need the knowledge of how to treat others and how to accept others. Students w ith ADHD should not struggle with being accepted by peers. It will take a group effort to help students with ADHD because it is a important make students feel accepted especially while in a school setting

Sunday, October 13, 2019

transport management :: essays research papers

Transport management is now far more sophisticated than it was a decade ago. Transport activities generate a wide range of economic benefits. Between 2% and 4% of total OECD employment, for example, is derived from transport services, and an estimated 4-9% of GDP in the OECD area is attributable to spending by the users of transport (including expenditure on infrastructure). More than 10% of total household expenditure now goes to purchase transport services (OECD Publications/ECMT). The balance of international payments is also strongly influenced by trade in transport equipment. Enormous changes have taken place in the transport sector in recent years. The most marked is its unprecedented growth. Both stock variables (fleet size, kilometres of road and rail infrastructure, and so on) and flow variables (number of trips taken, volume of goods transported, and the like) have expanded rapidly. The world's automobile fleet, for example, doubled between 1970 and 1990, to stand today at approximately 500 million vehicles. These numbers are expected to double over the next 20-40 years, although at a slower rate in OECD countries than in the past. Substantial structural, changes have also taken place. For one thing, there has been a major shift in where transport growth is occurring. In 1950, 75% of all automobiles were located in the United States. Since then, the number outside the United States has grown by about 8% per year (Mackenzie Walsh 1990) with even more remarkable increases in some locations. In Athens, for example, car ownership burgeoned from 35,000 in 1964 to 650,000 in 1984, and is expected to be about 900,000 by this year (Glaoutzi Damianidias 1990). Most future growth in global vehicle stocks is projected to occur in the developing world, as the industrialized countries become increasingly saturated with vehicles, as the developing countries undergo urbanization and industrialization processes of their own, and as people there begin to realize their longstanding aspirations for more mobility. There has also been a significant shift in the shares of different modes of transport. In the past twenty years, the v olume of road freight traffic has doubled, while rail and waterway volumes have remained stable. In view of the rapidity of these changes, it is not surprising that transport problems are generating considerable political debate in most countries. The traditional approach used to be to step up the supply of services; increasingly, calls are being heard for policies that curtail demand. Whichever approach is preferred, much of the discussion centres on the so-called 'social costs' of transport.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Manager Interview Essay -- Effective Management Styles

I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, â€Å"Maybe now I come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get my point across.† Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence, â€Å"even if I’m unsure of myself, I have to be ready to stand by my decision and carry it out.† Although, she also stated a competent supervisor must also be able to accept when they are wrong. Ms. Geis provides supervision for 15 direct care workers in the programs and finds â€Å"That’s a lot of different viewpoints and perspectives to sort through.† Therefore, she finds difficult people are not easy to work with. From an administrate role, she states, â€Å"You can not let it consumes you and affect you negatively.† Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective manager when working with complex individuals one must learn how to use their strengths and adapt the work environment. â€Å"You find what they are really good at and place them in the best role that uses their strong points.† In the beginning, Ms. Geis would quietly sit quietly during entire managerial team meetings, but now she is more confident in her abilities, position, and will speak up. â€Å"Now I give my opinion or raise questions to ask. Sometimes, I may raise a concern that gives ... ... me to strengthen these weaknesses, I will seek training online, at the local community college, and at workshops. Works Cited Edmondson, J. (2009). Let's be clear: How to manage communication styles. American Society for Training & Development, Inc., 63(9), 30-31. Retrieved from http"//|A212767598&v=2.1&=novaseu_main&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w&asid=0abb8dfff77dba5f747cb1b4c13a9d9f Grant, A., & Taylor, A. (2014). Communication essentials for female executives to develop leadership presence: getting beyond the barriers of understating accomplishment. Business Horizons, 7, 73-83. doi: 10.1016/j.busher.2013.09.003 Groves, K., & Vance, C. (2009). Examining managerial thinking style, eq, and organizational commitment. Journal of Managerial Issues, XXI(7), 344-366. Geis, R. (2015, march 30). Interview by Student Name [Personal Interview].

Friday, October 11, 2019

How Recent Laws Promote Anti Discriminatory Practise In An Health And Social Care Environment

If any person or organisation discriminates against any one due to these factors then this is against the law and the person that has been discriminated amongst is entitled to take legal action to right for their is unlawful to discriminate anyone. An example of discrimination is that an employer does not give an applicant a job even though they are the best qualified person because the employer incorrectly thinks that the applicant is gay. This is a form of direct discrimination. In a health and social care setting you should treat everyone equally no matter their sexual orientation. As a care professional you should not make assumptions or make prejudgements about a person because it could lead to the care user being physical and emotionally hurt as they are going to feel that they are not value because of their differences to other people in society. You as a care professional should value everyone’s differences as it shows respect to the care user.It is important that you provide everyone with the same amount of respect as this is in their code of conduct which all employees should follow as this is part for their job and they should take this into consideration. The purpose of this act if that it puts together 40 years of  equalities together legalisation all in one place. The purpose of this act is that it provides the same levels of protection from discrimination across all the protected characteristics in places where it is the most appropriate. Another reason is that this acts simples and consoles approximately 116 pieces of separate equality legalisation together . This act is important for our society as it means that :It extends the equality duty to require the public sector to take into account the need of all protected groups this act protects disable people from potential discriminated questions in the recruitment process it protect carers from discriminationIt states in this act that it protects pregnant women and mothers from using services The next law I will be talking about is the human right published in 1998. This act promotes anti discriminatory practise as people are entitled to a different amount of rights. These are some of the rights:the right to life the right to liberty the right to be protected against torture and slavery the right to have a free trail and punishment respect of privacy and family life freedom of thoughtAll residents living in the UK are entitled to these rights . An example of this is that a woman named Rosy told the manager that she was pregnant. the right that this lady is entitled to is that she is allowed to go on maternity leave .this is an right that the lady is entitled to as in the health and social care sector women are allowed to take off time when pregnant so they can send quality time with their family. Another example of a right is that in all hospitals patient are allowed to see their relatives during the visiting time locating on the ward. This allows the rel ative to spend quality time with the ill patient.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 34~36

34 Water Hazard Jefferson Pardee was trying desperately not to look like a sea turtle. He'd managed to find the surface, catch his breath, and put his mask on. Blood from his nose was now swishing around inside it like brandy in a snifter. After locating the floating garbage bag that contained his clothes and propping it under his chest as a life preserver, his main focus was not to look like a turtle. To a shark living in the warm Pacific waters off Alualu, sea turtles were food. Not that there was any real danger of a shark making that particular mistake. Even a mentally challenged shark would figure out that sea turtles did not wear boxer shorts printed in flying piggies, and no turtles did not wear boxer shorts printed in flying piggies, and no turtle would be yattering streams of obscenities between chain-smoker gasps of breath. Still, a couple of harmless white-tipped reef sharks smelled blood in the water and cruised by to check out the source, only to retreat, regret-ting that in one hundred and twenty million years on the planet they had never evolved the equipment to laugh. The surf was calm and the tide low, and considering Pardee's buoyancy, the swim should have been easy. But when Pardee saw the two black shadows cruise by below him, his heart started playing a sternum-rattling drum solo that kept up until he barked his knees on the reef. An antler of coral caught the plastic bag, stopping Pardee's progress long enough for him to notice that here on the reef the water was only two feet deep. He flipped over on his back, then sat on the coral, not really caring that it was cutting into his bottom. Waves lapped around him as he fought to catch his breath. He lifted his mask and let the blood run down his face and over his chest to expand into a rusty stain in the water. Tiny blue and yellow reef fish rose around him looking for food and nipping at his skin, tickling him like teasing children. He looked toward the beach, perhaps two hundred yards away. Inside the reef the danger of sharks was minimal – minimal enough that he would sit here and rest for a while. He watched the waves breaking softly around him, lapping against his back, and realized, with horror, that he was going to have to do this again in a few hours, against the waves and probably the tide. He'd have to find someone with a boat; that was all there was to it. Ten minutes passed before his heart slowed down and he was able to steel his courage enough to swim the final leg. He picked out a stand of coconut palms above a small beach and slid across the reef toward the is-land. He kicked slowly, scanning the water around him for any sign of sharks. Except for a moment of temporary terror when a manta ray with a seven-foot wingspan flew out of the blue and passed below him, the swim to the beach was safe and easy. If manta rays are going to be harmless, they should look more harmless, Pardee thought. Fuckers look like aquatic Draculas. He sat in the wash at the water's edge and was tearing the tape that held the fins on his feet when he heard a sharp mechanical click behind him. He turned to see two men in black pointing Uzis at his head. Pardee grinned. â€Å"Konichi-wa,† he said. â€Å"You guys have a dry cigarette? I seem to have torn my garbage bag.† A seven iron, Tuck, thought. After all these years I need a seven iron. Tucker Case did not play golf. He'd tried it once, and although he'd en-joyed the drinking and driving the little electric car into the lake, he just didn't get the appeal. It seemed – and he'd examined the game closely be-cause his father had loved it – an awful lot like a bunch of rich white guys in goofy clothing walking around on an absurdly large lawn hitting ab-surdly small white balls with crooked sticks. If the greens were at opposite ends of the same fairway and foursomes had to play against each other, defending their own green while assaulting the opponents' and risking getting hit with a ball or a club at close quarters, well, then you'd have a game. If the game was scored on how quickly one got through the eighteen holes instead of the fewest strokes and they dropped small-block Chevys into the little carts, why, then you'd have yourself a game. (Maybe put those little Ben-Hur food processors on the wheels and make it legal to hamstring competitors.) But traditional golf, as it was, had always left Tuck cold. Strange, then, that he absolutely yearned for a seven iron, or maybe a shotgun. Tuck had been up since before dawn, awakened rudely and kept awake by what seemed like eight million roosters. It was now ten o'clock and they were still going strong. What joy to feel the thwack of a seven iron on red feathers, the satisfying impact of balanced metal on poultry (suddenly si-lenced and somewhat tenderized for your trouble). He saw himself wading into a bucket of roosters, swinging his seven iron madly (but always keeping his head down and his left arm straight), dealing death and de-struction like the Colonel's own avenging angel. Welcome to Tucker Case's chicken death camp, my little feathered friends. Now, kindly prepare to have your nuggets knocked off. Tucker Case was not a morning person. He decided that he'd give them five more minutes to shut up, then he was going to get dressed and go borrow a seven iron from the doc. Five minutes later he was preparing to leave when Beth Curtis knocked and opened his door without waiting for an answer. She was wearing disposable surgical blues and a hairnet; she wore no makeup and the vapid housewife smile was gone from her eyes. â€Å"Mr. Case, we need you to be ready to fly in two hours. Can you do it?† â€Å"Uh, sure. I guess. Where are we going?† â€Å"Japan. The navigational settings should already be programmed into the plane's computer. I need you to have your preflight finished and the Lear fueled and on the runway, ready to go.† Tucker felt as if he was talking to a different person than the one he had seen for the last week. There was no hint of the soft femininity, just hard business. â€Å"I haven't had time to go over the controls for the Lear.† â€Å"You took the job, didn't you? Can you fly it?† Tuck nodded. â€Å"Then be ready in two hours.† She turned and marched toward the hospital building. Tuck started to follow her, then noticed movement through the trees, down by the beach: men unloading fuel drums from a longboat onto the pier. He could see a white freighter anchored outside the reef. â€Å"Mrs. Curtis!† he called. She turned and regarded him like an annoying insect. â€Å"Yes, Mr. Case.† â€Å"That ship. You didn't tell me there was a ship.† â€Å"It doesn't concern you. They are simply delivering some supplies. Now please, prepare the plane.† â€Å"But if they're delivering supplies, why do we need to†¦?† â€Å"Mr. Case,† she barked, â€Å"do your job. The doctor needs me.† She threw open the hospital door and stepped inside. â€Å"Ask him if I can borrow his seven iron,† Tuck said weakly. Tuck shuffled back toward his bungalow. Just a few seconds in the sun had given him a headache and he felt as if he would pass out any second. He was going to fly again. He was sick and dizzy and suffered from talking bat hallucinations and he was going to get to do the only thing he had ever been any good at. It scared the hell out of him. It had been fifty years since men with guns had entered the village of the Shark People. As the four guards went from house to house, Malink walked the paths of the village, his cordless phone in hand so the people could see that he had things under control. He'd been calling the Sorcerer since the four Japanese had arrived in the village, but he'd only gotten the answering machine. He had told everyone to go inside their houses and not to resist the guards, and even now the village seem deserted, except for the sobs of a few frightened children. He could hear the guards kicking their way through the coconut husks that had been piled in the cookhouses for fuel. Suddenly Favo was at his side. Favo, who had seen the coming of the Japanese during the war, had seen the killing. â€Å"Why does Vincent allow this?† Malink really didn't have an answer. He had lit the Zippo and asked Vincent that very morning. â€Å"It is the will of the Sorcerer, so it must be the will of Vincent. They want the girl-man.† â€Å"We should fight,† Favo said. â€Å"We should kill the guards.† â€Å"Spears against machine guns, Favo? Should the children grow up without fathers like we did? No, they will find the girl-man and they will go away.† â€Å"The girl-man has gone to live with Sarapul. Did you tell them?† â€Å"I told them. I took the Sorcerer there.† The guards came out of the old church and crunched in single file down the path toward Favo and Malink. The old men stood their ground, making the guards walk into a stand of ferns to get around them. They made no eye contact and said nothing. Favo hurled a curse at them, but it had been too long since he had spoken Japanese and it was not a language suited for swearing. He ended up telling them that their truck tires smelled of sardines, which elicited no response whatsoever. â€Å"Excellent curse,† Malink said, trying to raise his friend's spirits. â€Å"It needs work. English is the best for swearing.† â€Å"They have machine guns, Favo.† â€Å"Fuckin' mooks,† Favo said. â€Å"Amen,† Malink said, crossing himself in the sign of the B-26 bomber. The two old men fell in behind the guards, following them from house to house, waiting outside on the path so the villagers could see them when they were roused out of their houses. For the guards' part, it was a wholly unsatisfying endeavor. They had been looking forward to kicking in some doors, only to find that the Shark People had no doors. There were no beds to throw over, no back rooms to burst into, no closets, no place, in fact, where a man could hide and not be exposed by the most perfunctory inspection. And the doctor had told them that no one was to be hurt. They did not want to make a mistake. For all the appearance of military efficiency, they were screwups to a man. One, a former security guard at a nuclear power plant, had been fired for taking drugs; two were brothers who had been dismissed from the Tokyo police department for accepting Yakuza bribes; the fourth, from Okinawa, had been a jujitsu instructor who had beaten a German tourist to death in a bar over a gross miscarriage of karaoke. The man who had recruited them, put them in the black uniforms, and trained them made it clear that this was their last chance. They had two choices: succee d and become rich or die. They took their jobs very seriously. â€Å"He might be in the trees,† Favo said in Japanese. â€Å"Look in the trees!† The guards scanned the trees as they marched, which caused them to bump into each other and stumble. Above them there was a fluttering of wings. A glout of bat guano splatted across the Okinawan's forehead. He threw the bolt on his Uzi and the air was filled with the staccato roar of nine millimeters ripping through the foliage. When at last the clip was empty, palm fronds settled to the ground around them. Frightened children screamed in their mothers' arms, and Favo, who was lying next to his friend with his arms thrown over his head, snickered like an asthmatic hyena. The guards scuffled for a moment, not sure whether to disarm their companion or shove their clips home and begin the massacre. Above the crying, the scuffle, the snickering, and the tintinnabulation of residual gunfire, a girl giggled. The guards looked up. Sepie stood in the doorway of the bachelors' house, naked but for a pair of panties she'd recently ac-quired from a transvestite navigator. â€Å"Hey, sailors,† she said, trying out a phrase she'd also acquired from Kimi, â€Å"you want a date?† The guards didn't understand the words, but they got the message. â€Å"Go inside, girl,† Malink scolded. Women, even the mispel, were not permitted to show their thighs in public. Not even when swimming, not when bathing, not when crapping on the beach, not ever. â€Å"Go back inside,† Favo said. â€Å"When they go away, you will be beaten.† â€Å"I have been beaten before,† Sepie said. â€Å"Now I will be rich.† â€Å"Tell her,† Favo said to Malink. Malink shrugged. His authority as chief worked only as long as his people willingly obeyed him. The key to retaining their respect was to find out what they wanted to do, then tell them to do it. He levied the most severe punishment he knew. â€Å"Sepie, you may not touch the sea for ten days.† She turned and wiggled her bottom at him, then disappeared into the bachelors' house. The stunned guards ceased their scuffle and moved tentatively toward the doorway, looking to each other for permission. â€Å"This is your fault,† Malink said to Favo. â€Å"You shouldn't have started giving her things.† â€Å"I didn't give her things,† Favo said. â€Å"You gave her things for† – and here Malink paused, trying to catch himself before losing a friend – â€Å"for doing favors for you.† 35 Free Press, My Ass Jefferson Pardee sat on a metal office chair in the corner of a windowless cinder-block room. The guard stood by the metal door, his machine gun trained on Pardee's hairy chest. The reporter was trying to affect an attitude of innocence tempered with a little righteous indignation, but, in fact, he was terrified. He could feel his heartbeat climbing into his throat and sweat rolled down his back in icy streams. He'd given up on trying to talk to the guards; they either didn't speak English or were pretending they didn't. He heard the throw of the heavy bolt on the door and expected the other guard to return, but instead a woman wearing surgical garb entered the room. Her eyes were the same color as the surgical blues and even in the oppressive heat she looked chilly. â€Å"At last,† Pardee said. â€Å"There's been some kind of mistake here.† He offered his hand, trying not to show how unsteady he was, and the guard threatened him with the Uzi. â€Å"I'm Jefferson Pardee from the Truk Star.† She nodded to the guard and he left the room. Her voice was friendly, but she wasn't smiling. â€Å"I'm Beth Curtis. My husband runs the mission clinic on this island.† She didn't offer her hand. â€Å"I'm sorry you've been treated this way, Mr. Pardee, but this island is under quarantine. We've tried to limit the contact with the outside until we have a better handle on this epidemic.† â€Å"What epidemic? I haven't heard anything about this?† â€Å"Encephalitis. It's a rare strain, airborne and very contagious. We don't let anyone off island who's been exposed.† Jefferson Pardee exhaled a deep sigh of relief. So this was the big story. Of course he'd promise not to say a word, but Time magazine would kill for this. He'd leave out the part about being taken prisoner in his flying piggy boxers. â€Å"And the guards?† â€Å"World Health Organization. They've also given us an aircraft and lab equipment, as I'm sure you've seen.† He'd seen an awful lot of lab equipment as he was led through the little hospital, but the aircraft was still a rumor. He decided to go for the facts. â€Å"You have a new Learjet, is that correct?† â€Å"Yes.† She seemed genuinely taken aback by his comment. â€Å"How did you know?† â€Å"I have my sources,† Pardee said, wishing he wore glasses so he could take them off in a meaningful way. â€Å"I'm sure you do. Information is like a virus sometimes, and the only way to find a cure is to trace it to the source. Who told you about the jet?† Pardee wasn't giving anything for free. â€Å"How long have you known about the encephalitis?† For the first time Pardee noticed that Beth Curtis had been holding her right hand behind her back the entire time they had been talking. He noticed because when the hand appeared, it was holding a syringe. â€Å"Mr. Pardee, this syringe contains a vaccine that my husband and I have developed with the help of the World Health Organization. Because you took it on yourself to sneak onto Alualu, you have exposed yourself to a deadly virus that at-tacks the nervous system. The vaccine seems to work even after exposure to the disease, but only if administered in the first few hours. I want to give you this vaccine, I really do. But if you insist on drawing out this little game of liar's poker, then I can't guarantee that you won't contract the disease and die a horrible and painful death. So, that said, who told you about the jet?† Pardee felt the sweat rising again. She hadn't raised her voice, there wasn't even a detectable note of anger there, but he felt as if she was holding a knife to his throat. Okay, to hell with the adventurous journalist. He could still get a byline based on what she'd already told him. â€Å"I talked to a pilot who passed through Truk a few months ago.† â€Å"A few months ago? Not more recently?† â€Å"No. He said he was going to fly a jet for some missionaries on Alualu. I came out to check it out.† â€Å"And that was all you heard? Just that we had a jet?† â€Å"Yes, it's pretty unusual for a missionary clinic to have money for a jet, wouldn't you say?† She smiled. â€Å"I guess it is. So how did you plan to get off the island after you got your story?† â€Å"The Micro Spirit was going to pick me up on the other side of the island. That's it. I was just curious. It's an occupational hazard.† â€Å"Who knows you're here, besides the crew of the Spirit?† Pardee considered her question; what would be the best answer. Surely she wouldn't let him die of some dreaded disease, but how stupid would he have been to come out here without telling anyone? â€Å"The people who work for me at the Star and a friend of mine at AP who I called for some background before I left.† â€Å"Oh, that's good,† she said, still smiling. Pardee couldn't help but feel pleased with himself. It had been a long time since he'd gotten any approval – or attention for that matter – from a beautiful woman. She uncapped the syringe. â€Å"Now, before I give you the vaccine, a few medical questions, okay?† â€Å"Sure. Shoot.† â€Å"You smoke and drink to excess, correct?† â€Å"I indulge from time to time. Another occupational hazard.† â€Å"I see,† she said. â€Å"And have you ever had a test for HIV?† â€Å"A month ago. Clean as a whistle.† This was true. He'd been motivated to take the test by a creepy rash on his stomach that turned out to be caused by skin-burrowing mites. The medic with the Navy CAT team had given him an ointment that cleared it up in a few days. â€Å"Have you ever had hepatitis, cancer, or kidney disease?† â€Å"Nope.† â€Å"How about your family? Anyone with a history of kidney disease or cancer?† â€Å"Not last time I heard. I haven't talked with my family in twenty-five years.† She seemed especially pleased at that. â€Å"And you're not married? No children?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Very good,† she said. She plunged the needle into his shoulder and pushed the plunger. â€Å"Ouch. Hey, you could have warned me. Aren't you supposed to swab that with alcohol first or something?† She stepped to the door and smiled again. â€Å"I don't think infec tion is going to be a problem, Mr. Pardee. Now don't panic, but in a minute or so you are going to go to sleep. I can't believe you bought that bit about the encephalitis. People get stupid living in the tropics, don't you think?† She went out of focus and the lines of the room started to heave as if the entire structure was breathing. â€Å"What was in†¦?† His tongue was too heavy; the words wouldn't come. â€Å"You don't have a staff and you didn't call anyone at AP, Mr. Pardee. That was a stupid lie. We'll have to put ‘self-importance' down under cause of death.† Pardee tried to stand, but his legs wouldn't obey him. He slid off the chair and his legs splayed straight out in front of him. Beth Curtis bent over him, pushed her lips into a pout, and baby-talked. â€Å"Oh, are his wittle wegs all wobbly?† She stood up straight and put her hands on her hips. To Pardee her face floated like the moon through clouds. She said, â€Å"You're probably thinking that I'm being unusually cruel to tease a dying man, but you see, you're not dying right now. Soon, but not right now.† Pardee tried to form a question, but the room seemed to go liquid and crash over him like a black wave. Sebastian Curtis walked down the dock to where the crew of the Micro Spirit was unloading fuel drums from a longboat. He was wearing his white lab coat over Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, a stethoscope hung from his neck like a medallion of power. The Micro Spirit's first mate, who was drinking a Coke while supervising the unloading, jumped up on the dock to meet the doctor. â€Å"Good morning.† â€Å"Good morning,† Curtis said. â€Å"Are you in charge here?† â€Å"I'm the first mate.† Curtis regarded the tattooed Tongan. â€Å"Mr. Pardee will be staying with us for a while. He's asked me to tell you not to wait for him.† â€Å"That don't bother you?† the mate asked. It seemed strange to him after the effort Pardee had made to sneak onto the island. â€Å"No, of course not. In fact, we've offered to fly Mr. Pardee to Hawaii when he finishes his work.† The mate had never heard Pardee's name in the same sentence as the word â€Å"work.† It didn't sound right. Still, he had his job to do and the doctor was paying double freight for these barrels. He said, â€Å"Is he going to pay his fare?† Curtis smiled and pulled a wad of bills out of the pocket of his shorts. â€Å"Of course. He asked me to give you the money. How much is it?† â€Å"From Truk, one way, is three hundred.† The doctor counted out a stack of twenties and held it out to the mate. â€Å"Here's six hundred. Mr. Pardee asked me to pay the round-trip fare, since that's what he originally contracted for.† The mate stared at the stack of bills. He had known Jefferson Pardee for ten years and had never even known the man to buy a beer; now he was just giving him three hundred extra dollars? Three hundred dollars that the company and the captain didn't know about. â€Å"Okay,† he said. He snatched the money out of the doctor's hand and shoved it into his pocket before the crew could see. He would get the whole crew drunk and they would toast the generosity of Jefferson Pardee. 36 Return to the Sky The Lear 45 was a working corporate issue, the seats upholstered in muted blues and grays, facing each other over small worktables. For some reason Tucker had expected something more unusual: bright carnival colors with a monkey in a flight attendant outfit perhaps; a stark metal interior stripped for cargo; maybe stainless steel over enamel with a lot of complicated medical gizmos. Nope, this was the standard, run-of-the-mill station wagon model of your basic four-million-dollar jet. He slid into the pilot's seat and a rage of adrenaline coursed through him, as if his body was reliving the crash of the pink Gulfstream. He fought the urge to bolt, let the adrenaline jag settle to a low-grade nausea, then started his preflight checklist. Everything looked normal; the instruments and controls were in place. He snapped on the power for the gauges and nothing happened: no lights, no LEDs, nothing. He felt the plane move as someone came up the retractable steps and suddenly one of the guards reached around him and inserted a cylindrical key into a socket on the instrument board. The guard turned the key several times and the cockpit whirred to life. â€Å"This thing has a main power cutoff?† Tuck said to the guard. The guard removed the key and walked off the plane without saying a word. â€Å"Nice chatting with you,† Tuck said. He'd never seen a plane with an ignition key and he was sure that this one was not factory-issue. Why? Who would steal a jet airplane? Who could? I could, that's who. The doctor had installed the key to keep him from re peating his performance in Seattle. The missionary bastard didn't trust him. Tuck checked the navigation computer. It was, as Beth Curtis had told him, set for an airfield in southern Japan. He watched as the LEDs on the nav computer came on, indicating that it was acquiring the satellites it needed to locate his position. When three were lit, his longitude and latitude flashed on the screen; when a fourth satellite was acquired, he had his current altitude: eight feet above sea level. He thought of Kimi navigating by the stars and felt a twinge of guilt for not trying harder to find him. He resolved to look for the navigator personally when he got back to Alualu. He ran through the checklist and threw the autostart switches for the engines. As the twin jets spooled up, Tuck felt his anxiety float away like an exorcised ghost. This is where he was supposed to be. This is what he did. For the first time in weeks he felt like his head was clear. He pushed the controls through their full range of motion and checked out the window to make sure that the flaps and ailerons were moving as well. Beth Curtis was coming across the compound toward the plane. At least he thought it was Beth Curtis. She wore a sharp, dark business suit with nylons and high heels. Her hair was pulled back into a severe bun and she wore wire-frame aviator sunglasses. She carried a small plastic cooler in one hand and an aluminum briefcase in the other. She looked like one of Mary Jean's corporate killer attorneys. Her third identity in as many days. She walked into the plane and the guard pushed the hatch shut behind her. She stashed the cooler and briefcase in the overhead, then climbed into the cockpit and strapped herself in the copilot's seat. â€Å"Any problems?† she said. â€Å"You look nice today, Mrs. Curtis.† â€Å"Thank you, Mr. Case. Are we ready?† â€Å"Tuck. You can call me Tuck. I need you to look out the window and tell me if the flaps and ailerons move when I move the controls.† â€Å"They look fine. Shall we go?† Tuck released the ground brakes and taxied out onto the runway. â€Å"I need to pick up some sunglasses while we're in Japan.† â€Å"I'll get you some. You won't be leaving the plane.† â€Å"I won't?† â€Å"We'll only be on the ground for a few minutes, then we'll be coming back.† â€Å"Look, Mrs. Curtis, I know you think that because of the circumstances that brought me here that I'm a total fuckup, but I am really good at what I do. You don't have to treat me like a child.† She looked at him and took off her sunglasses. Tuck wished he had sunglasses so he could whip them off like that. She said, â€Å"Mr. Case, I'm putting my life in your hands right now. How much more confidence would you like?† Tuck didn't really know how to answer. â€Å"I guess you're right. Sorry. You could be a little less mysterious about what's going on here. I know that we're not flying supplies, not with this plane and the kind of money you're paying me.† â€Å"If you really want to know, I can tell you. But if I tell you, I'll have to kill you.† Tuck looked from the instruments to catch her expression. She was grinning, a deep silly grin that crinkled the corners of her eyes. He looked at the instruments. â€Å"I'm going to take off now. Okay?† â€Å"And I haven't even shown you the best way to fight boredom on our little island.† Tuck concentrated on the gauges and the runway. He said, â€Å"What church do you and your husband work for?† â€Å"Methodist.† â€Å"You'll have to tell me about it.† â€Å"What's there to tell? Methodists rock!† she said, then she giggled like a little girl as Tuck pulled the plane into the sky. Malink joined the drinking circle late, hoping that everyone would be drunk enough to forget what had gone on that day. He'd spent most of the after-noon at Favo's house, afraid even to face his wife and daughters, but when the sun was well boiled in the sea, he knew he had to join the other men or face the consequences of tuba-poisoned theories and rumors aspiring to truth. He sneaked into an open spot in the circle and sat on the sand, even though several younger men moved so he could sit on a log with his back to the tree. He threw an open pack of Benson & Hedges into the center of the circle and Favo divided up the smokes among the men. Some lit up, others broke them into sections to chew with betel nut, and a few tucked them behind their ears for later. The distraction was short-lived and one of the Johns, an elder, said, â€Å"So why did Vincent send the Japanese into our houses?† Malink waved him off as he drank from the coconut shell cup and made a great show of enjoying his first drink before handing the cup to Abo, who was pouring. Then he stalled another few seconds by lighting a Benson & Hedges with the Zippo, making sure everyone saw it and remembered, then after a long drag he said, â€Å"I'm fucked if I know.† He said this in English – English being the best language for swearing. â€Å"It is not good,† said John. â€Å"They came to the bachelors' house,† said Abo, who, as usual, was angry. â€Å"They looked at our mispel's thighs.† â€Å"We should kill them,† said one of the younger men who had been named for Vincent. â€Å"And eat them!† someone added – and it was as if the air had been pulled on the circle before it could inflate to well-rounded violent mob. Everyone turned to see Sarapul walking out of the shadows. For once, Malink was glad to see him. The old cannibal seemed to have a spring in his step, seemed younger, stronger. â€Å"I need an ax,† Sarapul said. The men who owned axes all stared into the sand or examined their fingernails. â€Å"What for?† Malink asked. â€Å"I can't tell you. It's a secret.† â€Å"You're not going to start headhunting, are you?† Malink said. â€Å"We've put up with your talk of eating people, but I draw the line at headhunting. No headhunting while I'm chief.† Everybody grunted in agreement and Malink was glad to have been able to assert his authority in a way that no one could dispute. An anthropologist had once come to the island and given him a book about headhunters. Malink felt very cosmopolitan discussing the topic. Sarapul looked confused. He'd never read the headhunting book, had never read any book, but he did have a Classic Comics version of The Count of Monte Cristo, which a sailor had given him in the days before the Shark People were forbidden to meet visiting ships. He'd made Kimi read it to him every night. Sarapul liked the thread of revenge and murder that ran through the story. Sarapul said, â€Å"What is this headhunting? I just want to cut a tree.† â€Å"Cutting trees is taboo,† said one of the younger men. â€Å"I will get special dispensation,† Sarapul said, using a term he had learned from Father Rodriquez. Malink shook his head. â€Å"We don't have that anymore. We only had that when we were Catholics.† â€Å"I need an ax,† Sarapul said, as if he might do better if he started over. â€Å"And I need permission from the great Chief Malink to cut a tree.† Malink scratched a mosquito bite and looked at his feet. It was true that he could give permission to break a taboo, and Sarapul had distracted the circle before they ganged up on him. â€Å"You may cut one tree, on your side of the island, and you must show it to me before you cut it. Now, who has an ax?† Everyone knew who owned axes, but nobody volunteered. Malink chose one of the young Vincents. â€Å"You, go get your ax.† Then to Sarapul he said: â€Å"Why do you need to cut a tree?† Sarapul considered holding out, but decided that a credible lie would be better. â€Å"My house is falling down from the girl-man climbing in the rafters.† It was the wrong answer to give in front of a group of men whose houses had been rifled only hours ago. Malink cradled his head in his hands. The toughest part of the landing for Tuck was restraining himself from leaping out of the seat and demanding high-fives from the woman. It was perfect. He was back. Never mind the ghosts, the talking bats, the three-hour flight with a woman who could have been the model for the new Multiple Personality Barbie. She's elegant, she's fashionable, and she's the reason that Ken has no genitals! Have fun, but remember to hide the sharp stuff! Never mind all that. He was a pilot. They were somewhere in southern Japan, a small jetport, probably private, with no tower and only a few hangars. Tuck had gotten them there by following the nav computer, which, he found in midflight, had only two coordinates programmed into it: Alualu and this airfield. â€Å"What happens if we have a problem and have to divert?† he asked Beth. â€Å"Don't worry about it,† she said. She had spent most of the flight grilling him about the navigational instruments, as if she wanted to know enough to be able to check the course herself. He complied, feeling insulted by the whole conversation. Another Lear was spooling up on the tarmac and Beth Curtis instructed him to taxi to it. As the jet bumped to a stop and he prepared to shut down, she pulled her briefcase and cooler out of the overhead and turned to him. â€Å"Stay here. We'll take off in a few minutes.† â€Å"What about loading supplies?† â€Å"Mr. Case, please just prepare the plane for departure. I won't be long.† Two men in blue coveralls crossed the tarmac from the other jet and lowered the hatch for her. Tuck watched out the window as she met a third Japanese man in a white lab coat. She handed him the cooler and a folder from the briefcase, then traded bows with him and quickstepped back to the Lear. One of the men in blue coveralls followed her into the plane with a cardboard box, which he strapped into one of the passenger seats. â€Å"Domo,† Beth Curtis said. He bowed quickly, left the plane, and sealed the hatch. She stashed the briefcase in the overhead again climbed into the copilot's seat. â€Å"Let's go.† â€Å"That's it?† â€Å"That's it. Let's go.† â€Å"We should top off the fuel tanks while we're here.† â€Å"I understand why you might be a little nervous about that, Mr. Case, but we have plenty of fuel to make it back.† â€Å"One box. That's all we're picking up?† â€Å"One box.† â€Å"What's in it?† â€Å"It's a case of '78 Bordeaux. Sebastian loves it. Let's go.† â€Å"But I have to use the bathroom. I thought†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Hold it,† Beth Curtis said. â€Å"Bitch.† â€Å"Exactly. Now don't you need to do your checklist thingy?†